Friday, August 31, 2012

Random works on my sketchbook

Pen and ink works

Pen and ink has always been my favorite medium. Here are some random works I did using this medium

Trying out different drawing techniques

It's always a fun process trying different drawing styles and techniques.

Theme: add an expected element in your illustration. 
This image is called "The Capacity of The Tear". Done in Illustrator. 

Theme: add an expected element in your illustration. 
"Head or Tail". Done in Photoshop, collage.

A depiction of my feeling of that day. 

Some more collage works.

Found some unwanted materials and put them into a artwork. Love how these unexpected materials turn out.

Took a subway map and start drawing around the theme. These green creatures love dirty and moistly place, they only appear when there is on one around.  

Collage in Photoshop

 Using oil paint and a piece of clear acrylic to create this printmaking effect. Love how they all turn out.


Background is done with watercolor on paper. The image is done in pen and ink.

Trying to create different texture on wood, then placed a scanned image from my sketchbook. The color of the background really matched the feeling of the character.

My first time drawing fashion illustration. So much more interesting than I thought, can't wait to explore more.

MIAN & MEOW character design

Mian & Meow is the name of a girl spirit and cat spirit. The name Mian is the chinese word for noodle.

Mian (girl spirit) is the owner of a antique shop. In this shop, only ancient furniture are sold. Overall time, these furniture are possessed by spirit; they are good spirit that will bring luck to people but sometimes they will do mischievous too. I choose Mian (noodle) for this character because her hair resemble noodle, and she is a ghost that loves eating noodle. So she is always seen eating a bowl of noodle. Occasionally she will mistake her hair as the noodle and eat herself up. But she will be reborn the next morning. (maybe that's the magical power of spirit)
Meow is the cat spirit that always follow Mian; in fact, he is actually the shadow of Mian. He is like the guardian of her. Though he cannot speak, he can still communicate with Mian. 

T-shirt design: On the front is a scene of Mian eating noodle. On the back is after Mian eat herself up.

Book cover: catalog of the goods sold in this antique shop. inside is a list of furnitures and the spirits possessing them. Each product description includes the power of these little spirit.

Cup mat: some of Mian and Meow's daily life. Top left: Meow playing with a lamp spirit in their shop. Top right: Mian fall asleep on the counter and Meow watching over the shop. Bottom left: Mian taking a walk in the backyard (cemetery) after work. Bottom right: Mian once again eat herself up and Meow is speechless.

Door curtain that will bring you luck


Paper toy for Alice in Wonderland chess set
First is the queen of heart

The old king

The mischievous cat 

The hatter. Why he is French? This idea just struck me when I was designing the hatter.

Last and my favorite characters among this set!!!! The soldier!!!!!!!!
It's funny to imagine when an army of soldier with their butts facing you lol

Gothic self portrait

A self portrait of myself. 1999.

Film poster remix

Playing with poster design in Illustrator. Mixing The Matrix with Shrek. My favorite part is adding Shrek's ears to the title.

reference: The original Matrix poster

reference: Shrek poster

Isometric game design

This is a game scene I designed during my second year in Art Center. I'd alot of fun designing the characters. The game scene plays with optical illusion, which is the biggest characteristic of the game. 

Here's the rough idea for the characters. (How many characters can you recognize?)